Case study:
Echo-Factory saw a 40% lift in logged time in Wrike

Echo-Factory saw a year-on-year lift in time logged of 40% already after the first month of introducing TimeJam to the team.

And now the team is repeatedly hitting that magic 100% of all hours logged daily on a regular basis.


Echo-Factory provides an integrated approach to digital media, strategy, and creative that combines full-service impact with personalized service. They are +20 passionate and creative people working mainly out of Los Angeles, California.

Andrea Kraybill, VP Operations, Echo-Factory

"We saw a 40% increase in time logged from Jan '22 to Jan '23"

Why did you choose TimeJam?

It was a continual challenge to motivate the whole team to accurately log their time on a daily basis. Some people were great, but many others would miss many days or even weeks.

I first read about TimeJam through an email that came via Wrike, I believe. With the trial offer to start, I figured it was worth testing out for a couple of months, to see if a slack-integrated, game-style app would help the team's motivation.

How has the TimeJam solution helped Echo-Factory?

We've definitely seen a marked improvement in the percentage of our team logging their time.  This is turn means we are able to more accurately track team effort/expenses on our projects and calculate profitability per project.

We saw a 40% increase in time logged from Jan '22 to Jan '23 (we began TimeJam in January '23).

What have been the responses from the team at Echo-Factory?

In general, everyone has been positive. I wish there was a bit more interaction in the Slack chat groups for the 'teams' but I think some people are better than others at rallying people together to win.

The 'reward' I've chosen to give the winning teams is  a breakfast/lunch the following month, which has been a good team bonding activity, since we mostly all work remotely.

Would you recommend the solution to other companies?

If you are tired of constantly reminding your employees to log their time, this is an easy tool that makes it a motivating team activity.  

I've also appreciated the personal attention to customer service from the creators.